What is it about darkness that can make us so uneasy? Perhaps it's the thought of what might be lurking in the shadows. Or an instinctive impulse not to stray too far from the safety of the fire. Maybe it's simply a deeply-rooted, deeply-human fear of the unknown. Of that which we cannot see.
But there is great healing to be found in the dark, if we are willing to step into it. If we allow our eyes to adjust and our senses to heighten. It's where we dream, after all. And incubate. And rest. And look towards the stars. It's a place of deep transformation and magic.
The Winter Solstice marks the darkest point in the year for those of us in the Northern Hemisphere. A time that asks us to send our energy downward. Underground. Into our roots. To tap into the wealth of nutrients and healing that lay beneath the surface.
This beautiful ritual was created and shared with me by the lovely Bridget Ambrose of becrowbe. Bridget is an Intuitive Reiki Master, Integrated CranioSacral Practitioner, Energy Medicine Healer and all around modern mystic. What I love about her ceremony is that it is practiced the entire month of December. A wonderful way to stay conscious and mindful during the holiday season. To clear out any residual negativity and make space for the abundance of the new year. To honor the darkness, and welcome back the light.
The only thing you really need for this ritual is five large white candles. Everything else is totally optional. Bridget and I have put together a list of suggested stones, scents, and rituals to work with each week, but also encourage you to follow your intuition. Your ceremonies can be as simple or elaborate as you wish. You do you, loves.
Each week, we invite you to light the candle for that week, as well as all the candles from the previous weeks. Sit in quiet meditation for a few minutes with the associated mantra. Maybe do some gentle journaling, or pull a card if you feel called to. Make a special cup of herbal tea. Practice self-care. Whatever feels good to you and your body. By the Winter Solstice on December 21, you will have all five candles burning. Continue to light all the candles every night, from Solstice through New Years Eve.